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Beautiful Landscape

This is it – all your epics and adventures have led you to this moment. You are ready to venture forth regardless of terrain, weather or even daylight. Fame and renown for pinpoint accuracy is what you are after and we can show you how. You’re going outside and you may be some time!

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Advanced Navigation


2 Days


Select from our map below

Group Size

Up to 8 People - Larger groups welcome, but please enquire

Minimum Age

16 years old

What's Included

Expert tuition by experienced international expedition leaders, Use of required navigation equipment, Complimentary refreshments, 10% discount on future course bookings

Previous Experience Required

Significant experience required


Course Overview

Elevate your navigation mastery with our two-day Advanced Navigation Course, designed for seasoned adventurers seeking to conquer challenging terrain and diverse conditions across the UK. This immersive experience refines your ability to interpret intricate terrain, navigate using subtle features, and confidently plan routes through remote landscapes.

Through expert instruction and practical exercises, you'll master advanced compass techniques, hone your decision-making skills in challenging conditions, and learn to navigate in low visibility, even under the cover of darkness.

This demanding course pushes your boundaries, cultivating a deep understanding of the landscape and fostering self-reliance in the wilderness. By the end, you'll be equipped to navigate confidently anywhere, from remote mountain ranges to dense woodland, in both day and night conditions.


Learn advanced techniques to navigate challenging terrain and diverse conditions.

Develop strategies for navigating in poor weather and even under the cover of darkness.

Build confidence and resilience as you navigate through remote and untamed landscapes.

Course Outcomes

  • Apply advanced navigation techniques learned in previous courses.

  • Confidently navigate using subtle terrain features and contours.

  • Accurately follow routes, judge distances, and maintain precise map contact.

  • Utilize back bearings and transits to pinpoint your location.

  • Employ aspect of slope as an aid for relocation.

  • Strategically choose the most appropriate navigation techniques for varying conditions.

  • Navigate confidently in challenging environments, including low visibility and darkness.

  • Plan safe and efficient routes, considering terrain, hazards, and time constraints.

  • Adapt your route in response to changing conditions or unforeseen challenges.

  • Execute emergency procedures and utilize escape routes when necessary.

  • Quickly identify and rectify navigational errors.

  • Select appropriate gear, clothing, and first aid for all conditions.

  • Understand the physical demands of the terrain and the impact of weather on decision-making.

  • Recognize the effects of fatigue, discomfort, and extreme temperatures on navigation.

  • When does the course start and finish?
    Start time: 09:30 - Finish time: 16:00. Please note, these times are approximate and could be subject to minor changes. Please leave plenty of time when booking public transport.
  • Quel est l'âge minimum/maximum pour participer ?
    Toute personne âgée de 13 ans ou plus peut suivre n’importe lequel de nos cours programmés. Nous détenons une licence AALA et sommes en mesure d'emmener des enfants de moins de 13 ans, mais nous ne le proposons que sur une base guidée privée. Consultez nos tarifs indicatifs privés, car cela peut s'avérer très compétitif, surtout lors d'une réservation en famille. Il n’y a pas d’âge maximum, si vous vous sentez assez jeune pour y assister, vous êtes les bienvenus !
  • Le prix du cours comprend-il la nourriture et les boissons ?
    Presque tous les cours commencent et se terminent à notre lieu de rendez-vous initial, qui est généralement un parking. Ici, votre instructeur pourra vous fournir une infusion rapide et une collation tout en discutant de l'activité de la journée. Nous ne fournissons pas de nourriture dans le cadre de nos cours et vous devrez apporter un panier-repas pour chaque jour. Il y a souvent des cafés locaux à quelques minutes en voiture de nos sites (mais pas toujours !) qui peuvent vous proposer des sandwichs, des gâteaux et des boissons.
  • Comment réserver ?
    Tous nos cours peuvent être réservés en privé, avec un moniteur privé juste pour vous ou votre groupe. Cela vous donne la possibilité de réserver la date qui vous convient et cela signifie également que l'instructeur peut affiner le contenu du cours en fonction de vos aspirations. Pour effectuer une réservation, suivez simplement notre lien de réservation en ligne ci-dessous ou contactez-nous pour discuter de toute exigence spécifique ou modification que vous pourriez avoir en tête.
  • Y a-t-il des pré-requis ?
    Une certaine expérience de l’escalade en salle ou en extérieur serait bénéfique, mais n’est pas essentielle.

Go Bespoke: Your Adventure, Your Way

At Crux Outdoors, we understand that every adventurer is unique. If our standard courses are close to what you're looking for but you have specific goals or preferences, we're here to make it happen. We pride ourselves on creating truly bespoke experiences, tailoring each course to your individual needs and aspirations. Whether you want to focus on specific skills, explore a particular region, or customize the duration of your adventure, simply click the button below to get in touch. Our expert team will work closely with you to craft a personalised itinerary that exceeds your expectations.

Questions? Let's Chat!

Our team of expert instructors is ready to answer any questions you have about our skills courses. Whether you're curious about the specifics of a certain course, need help choosing the right one for you, or have any other queries, don't hesitate to get in touch. We're passionate about sharing our knowledge and helping you develop your outdoor skills to the fullest.

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